Parent Migration


Family unity is a fundamental right recognized and protected by Italian law and which is fully recognized also for foreigners who wish to reunite with their families. Family reunification is an essential tool to allow family life, as it helps to create a socio-cultural stability that facilitates integration into the State, thus allowing the promotion of economic and social cohesion.

The residence permit for family reasons is issued:
to the foreigner who has entered Italy with an entry visa for family reunification, or with an entry visa following a family member;
to foreigners who have been legally resident for at least one year who have been married in the State to Italian citizens or of a Member State of the European Union, or to legally residing foreign citizens. The effective cohabitation following marriage needs to be demonstrated. Non-cohabitation involves the revocation of the residence permit for family reasons, unless the spouses have had children as a result of the marriage;
to the foreign parent, also biological, of an Italian child residing in Italy, provided that the parent has not been deprived of parental authority according to Italian law.
The residence permit for family reasons is issued for a period equal to the residence permit of the foreign family member who has requested family reunification.

The ownership of the residence permit for family reasons allows access to welfare services, enrolment in study courses or professional training and the performance of subordinate work or self-employment within the age limits established by Italian law.

In case of death of the family member who meets the requirements for reunification and in case of legal separation or marriage dissolution, the residence permit can be converted in permit for work or study, if in possession of needed requirements.

Lastly, there is enhanced protection against removal from the territory of the State of the foreigner who has exercised the right to family reunification or the reunited family member. This enhanced protection obliges the administration – before adopting a provision of refusing the issuance, revocation or refusal of renewal of the residence permit – to carefully verify the situation of the person concerned, considering both the danger for safety and public order, as to the length of own stay and of family and social ties.

Interested in applying for this program?